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Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators: What Are They?

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Here at Mobility123, we believe that a couple of things will be big in the future. Our predictions include flying cars, virtual reality and pneumatic elevators. But wait, what are pneumatic elevators, you ask? Well, we believe that pneumatic vacuum elevators are the future of in-home mobility solutions. Okay, we could probably still explain this product better, so how about we just write a blog about it? If you’d like to learn more about pneumatic vacuum elevators for homes in PA, keep reading to find out what they are, why they’re going to be big in the future and how they can benefit you or a loved one.

What’s a pneumatic vacuum elevator?

The pneumatic vacuum elevator uses revolutionary technology to change the way people are being transported vertically throughout their homes. And we bet you know what revolutionary technology means – futuristic. It’s pretty simple, actually. Instead of using cables or pistons, this elevator is powered by one of the most abundant natural resources in the world — air. This is not only beneficial for the person or people using it, but it’s also environmentally-friendly, which is pretty awesome if you ask us.

Why are they going to become more popular?

Well, we aren’t psychic, but we’re assuming these elevators are going to become more popular in the near future because they’re both effective and efficient. They can get you from point A to point B while helping you “go green” in the process. They also have a sleek and compact design that will look beautiful in your home and not take up too much space.

How can you benefit from using a pneumatic vacuum elevator?

There are several ways that you or a loved one can benefit from using a pneumatic vacuum elevator in their home. The advantages of our Philadelphia house elevators include:

  • Eco-friendly and energy-efficient – Powered by air
  • Safe – Due to advanced safety features, the elevator cannot fall
  • Minimal space is required in your home to accommodate the elevator
  • Fully transparent
  • Smooth ride

To learn more about the future of pneumatic vacuum elevators and other independent living solutions, contact us at 800-603-0830 or go to

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