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The Principles of Aging in Place

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In one sense, the prospect of aging seems less daunting as we get older. Instead, we appreciate every day as a gift for us to enjoy and make the most of. However, the natural consequences that aging has on the body can prevent us from taking full advantage of that gift without some help.

Assistive technology such as stair lifts in NJ can provide accessibility without the need for relocating to a care facility such as a nursing home. Modifying a residence for mobility and accessibility is part of a concept called aging in place. Today, we’ll discuss the three core concepts of aging in place and how an accessibility construction company like Mobility123 can help.


Decreased flexibility, agility, and strength pose a serious safety concern for seniors. One-third of people over 65 have experienced a dangerous fall, and 65% of injuries among senior citizens are caused by falls alone. Your home should be safeguarded against falls as you transition into a more accessible living situation. Solutions such as stair lifts and grab bars can be installed by a contractor that specializes in mobility equipment. These modifications will allow you to navigate your home safely, without risking a fall.


One of the greatest challenges of aging is the loss of physical abilities that maintain independence. Losing mobility as we age doesn’t mean that we are ready to become partially or fully dependent on the help of caretakers or family members. Maintaining as much independence as possible is essential to feeling confident and dignified. By hiring an aging-in-place specialist to outfit your residence with accessibility equipment, you can continue to enjoy your life on your terms and your schedule for much longer. Solutions outside the home, such as mobility scooter rental in New Jersey, also help you to maintain your lifestyle.


Aging comes with enough physical discomfort as it is. This final principle of aging in place maintains that creating a comfortable home environment should be foremost in the mind of any provider of mobility solutions. At Mobility123, we offer modifications that are as comfortable as they are functional. Specialized features like roll-in showers in New Jersey allow you to enjoy creature comforts within your home despite decreased mobility.

As a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist, Mobility123 knows that getting older doesn’t mean you have to give up your independent lifestyle. Continue to live safely and on your own terms by contacting us for a consultation at 800-603-0830.

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