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Your Simple Guide to Purchasing a Residential Stairlift

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If you’ve ever watched The Price is Right on a weekday morning, then you’ve probably seen at least one commercial for an in-home stairlift. Stairlifts are becoming more and more common in people’s homes, as they provide an excellent way to safely move up and down the stairs. If you (or one of your loved ones) find it increasingly difficult or next-to-impossible to use the stairs, then this piece of equipment may be right for you. Read on to find your simple guide for purchasing a residential stairlift, whether you live in Philadelphia, PA, or any of the surrounding areas.

How Do I Know if I Need a Starlift?

Even if you or a loved one is still physically able to walk up and down the stairs independently, it inevitably becomes more difficult as we age because of visual impairments, issues with depth perception, and other general losses that are related to aging. In most cases, it’s better not to take any chances because navigating the stairs is a health risk that’s not worth taking. If you have trouble using the stairs for whatever reason, you may benefit from a stairlift.

What Kind of Stairlift Should I Choose?

The type of stairlift you purchase typically depends on whether you have a curved or straight staircase at home. Stairlifts also come with many different types of features to personalize your experience to make it as secure and easy as possible for you. Some options include standing or sitting lifts, ones with swivel seats, fold-down seats, footrests, and more. Contact our team at Mobility123 for a consultation to see which options would work best for you.

How Fast Can I Get it Installed?

While many companies can take a week or longer to get your stairlift installed, we understand that you may need it sooner than that. We’re open seven days a week at Mobility123, and we can have it installed the same day you call us!

A stairlift, whether you live in Philadelphia or another local area, may be essential to your daily routine. If so, give us a call at Mobility123 at 800-603-0830. Get your mobility and independence back!

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